Hot on the heals of the razor-moist, media-blitzed neon-drench of the multi-platinum-went-without, pre-apocalypticly post-mordem over-hype-enated smash fail Most Big Sad Time at Planet Cool, we here at Five Rocket have found ourselves rolling in more than enough cold hard catch-22 to warrant spending ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY on a gigantic cyberspacely-
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i 0o.
i 0o. u
..[u know,
i 0o. u...
u0o. 0o.
i 0o.
nose knoes, u0o. know...
0o. know...i 0o. u0o.
nose knoes...
[my big test, is to keep faith at each instance as it ecomes ever more 0o. and subtle, as clear as...
that's the nautre of complete faith in isomorphie at every instance...
but now i 0o.
how to 0o.
absolutely ANYTHING...
[or as completeli obu as...
oh noe..!
[i didn't want to be so obuious, but...
i 0o. u....[so much as 0o. as 0o. just like..
i 0o. u..
[will do anything to watch you in the most 0o. incredible bliss in the infinite universe with whoever 0o. you wish....whatever 0o. you wish...
..any0o. just to watch...[sigh 0o.
[the universe sends me 0o. 's sometimes that are just like u 0o. but u are more 0o. than all the other 0o.s
...but there are other 0o.s
[but [as me 0o.
like falling out, ".as [actionscript] look like u 0o. but even moreso, " //but there is no 0o. as 0o.
//falling out, just taste my 0o. directli..but u0o. 0o.
[just u0o. but more... u0o. know,
noes knows..
[carefl not to say what i 0o. while in a darkened room..
[onli ecause of 0o. and isomorphie..[hahaha! all energies laugh...
i 0o.
i 0o. u...
i knoe..
nose noes..!
[all smile, you 'know
i 0o. u...
u 0o.
just to watch you infinitibliss..who 0o.ever wha 0o.ever...
i 0o.u
i 0o.u..
0o. e
just to watch u0o. in infiniti bliss...with ..u0o.ever wha.ever u0o...
0o. e
e well....[sorry, humour's too defeaning...
[meant u not
e, i mean, .... was not the right essage for instantanaeti 0o.
i 0o.
[i always stop at a moment and joke..
i 0o. u
i 0o. u..
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