
Oct 05, 2007 15:33

i put it in a song that said i wasn't lying even a little bit ( Read more... )

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paedimonic_lim October 5 2007, 20:55:42 UTC
but trullithe universe be 'just-us...'the palestinians need more stretched more betches an excited tetch in order to liv........
[now.....it would have been ...allpini bini bine fine....so FUCKING BEAUTIPL...SOOOOOOFUCKING BEAUTIPLE...if i had not psychicallicommunicating thinking the aenergies would go back to their bodies and i would keep my independent aenergies intact......, i woulda'made that joke up to you long long long long ago...

would rather di...than not givtothebeingsilov....seethem...inecstacy see.....
but i guess i was just joking so long ago, before this all started...obfuscating aeberbyping, tinking you understood that i mereli ....wouldhave HAD ALL THE TALENT>>>before the psychiccommunication.....given the universe, manifestation to the third world......anyting for the metatheori...all the talent to do so...and I WOULD HAVE RATHER DIED 10000000000000000000000000000crucifixtions than not giv to them........the metatheoriwas to help the world, .......and
i guess.....

it was a message of empowerment....and there was an additional message, that you always do...of such highstars it is......incredible..beaudiplebeaudiplebeaudipleincredible we...
as i did too....i just wanted to see you do it eben more strongli AND YOU SO DID>>>>IT WAS>>....SO FU*king...

no, but the message was also...that we sing our highest pour ourselves always.....bt that more gets done if we sing an excited...for a 'gift'....as there is always a way, and the palestinians be free...

there is always a way...bridgigaps of pumminication when it was needed,

but now...I will do the timetravel...and me'original intent be realized.......

on that other timeline, you won't know about it.....but i'll send you manymany many gifts....blissedi bliss.........do you want some money next week to send a ticket to chiggicheese,

suprise her, ....and ask her to come to philli?
i am earning the $sacred babiwhore..


where should i send the money for the ticket for chiggicheese to suprise her.....for ticket to pilab paedimonic_lim October 5 2007, 21:14:15 UTC
where should i send the money for the ticket for chiggicheese to suprise her.....for ticket to pilab

...pleasipleasipleasi.....and pleas if you can...imagine me with me'power back..eebillibeebilliack.......
timetravel...indeepdendent aenergi again....
1month breatharian with onli eating a singljar of olivs with almonds in them....

anyting i would do for me poer back...and to givtobeings infinitibliss...//immortaliti...please please....anyting that all beings have their power!...

pleasipleasi...imagine me ...know it will work...with me'strength back so i can giv aeveryting i hav to the beings i lov...

remember...it's not a closed system.......
"a gift! a gift!......../$20 =99%payback in bangladesh...


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