Title: Cats Are Gods
legare_virtuosoRating: T
Pairings: Xanxus/Haru
Warnings: Xanxus, being Xanxus. Bester, being special. Some violence and strong language.
Author Notes:
KHRfest round II prompt 41: Xanxus/Haru - Change; "He's not the boss she imagined herself with."
Granted, I'm not actually signed up for said prompt abuse. To be perfectly honest, I realized the existence of the actual prompt list... at about four in the afternoon the day I started this (which was... thirteen hours ago) after I had just read a whole stack of wonderful in the
hitman_reborn posts. I then proceeded to sit there going 'oh god, this is an impossible pairing... no, really' for five minutes before deciding to forget limitations and pull a Kamina. Enjoy.
Oh look, I'm the first one in
biantaitroika. Awesome panda.
Some people say man is the most dangerous animal on the planet. Obviously those people have never met an angry cat.)