Mar 14, 2009 19:05
Today was a day of new and wonderful things. I used a water gurney for the first time- which was fun. I actually enjoyed spraying the outside of the tattoo shop. I made a poncho from purple lavender smelling garbage bags equipped with detatchable garbage bag sleeves to boot! Haha- I love the misty spray, I saw a multitude of rainbows, even one that arced in a nigh on complete circle. Bizzare.
I painted with a spray can... which apparently I did terribly. Something about running. It was only to rectify my high pressured water power incident whereby I took off a whole chunk of black paint from the outdoor light things. It gave me no warning as I meandered along gurneying.... then bang. A whole fist sized chunk... gone. My bad. But the problem has been fixed. :) Kind of.
Additionally, whilst the gurneying and cleaning of out the front was going on (mainly due to Andy - Driz's new apprentice and a great all round chum) a man pulled up on a motorbike, (a nice blue triumph).. I gave a fleeting look with the thought of oh customer the boys have it sorted, seeing as both tattooists were standing there at the time. The newly arrived guy made a comment to them about not having any work done... like a clean skin. I mozied along as usual until Jimmy made the comment along the lines of, "Bee, you related to this guy or something?"
It didn't really register, I looked at the tall man with short cropped blonde hair and blue eyes for a second. Kind of thinking what is Jimmy on? Then it clicked. Running across I gave him a hug and a kiss. Yes. We were related.
It was my Uncle. Erik.
I hadn't seen him since I except for a birthday lunch at some buffet place when I was 10, since I was 6 years old.
It is so... strange when someone just appears out of the blue when you have absolutely no idea. Surprise. True, pleasant, surprise is something that happens rarely. And it amazes me that a face can be aged and changed by the years yet still recognised over ten years later.
I had a period where I lived akin to a sibling with Erik, for a couple of years. In the same house, went to school, played ... he used to try and bounce me off the trampoline... yelled at me when I dropped his mice between the verandah slots and fed his science experiment to to Cindy the dog...And when I used to eat his frozen yoghurts. Hahah.
He is changed. He is an adult. Muscles and well spoken and that. He is cool. He is in the Airforce RAAF in intelligence. Just changed positions and lost a 'hook' cause he was a corperal. Has two kids of his own. Toddler and a baby. Rides a motorbike heh. He is at Caloundra for study purposes. And apparently came in a little bit ago but I wasn't here. Andy kept it a secret, for a surprise! It was awesome.
I felt like crying when he left. But that'd be silly. He spent a good few hours just talking and hanging around the shop. I really like him. It is hard to pack 10 years of life into such a short period of time but it was good. I think we did alright anyway hehe. We tried as best we could anyhow!
It's strange because I was not in contact with any of the Roggensack family for so long. Mum's side of the family was so close, t'was almost an intrinsical part of growing up- very close, involved and family orientated in manner.
But I have always, oh so cliched I know, felt like something was missing. I really had to work hard to find myself, and I still am discovering things about me all the time. I went through a bit of a rebellious stretch and what not. But things piece together when you meet people whom are a direct and close genetic relation to yourself. Blood is blood and there are so many things that are just... fucking genetic aye. Mannerisms... looks, personality quirks and abnormalities. Thoughts and views maybe.
I mean when we were growing up and together I don't recall us being that close. He was the older, broodier, cool kid that didn't want to hang out with annoying, out of place, younger kid.
It's weird because for the past couple of weeks, I have had this thing, a mental wave about blonde hair blue eyes and male. It sounds stupid, I didn't have it in my head for any particular reason, in fact I found it to be quite odd and not discernable as to why it was in my psyche. But there you go.
He thinks I look like my aunt, his sister, Tanya. One of his old friends who added me on facebook (because he thought I was Tanya) said the same thing. It makes me want to see her. She was in and out of home when I lived there with Nanna, Grandad and Erik. He was the baby. And now he is all growed up!
I feel good. I feel really good. For having got the chance to talk to him and spend time with him.
I feel like I fit with this side of the family. I haven't had them in my life since I was 6. They all know me, or did know me. And they are my family. My blood.
We talked about all manner of things. He told me how he met his wife, at 17 hitting on a 24 year old Korean lady who called herself Moon at a backpacker place near Innisvale. They've been together ever since. How he moved around, on the fishing boats and that before he joined the RAAF. How he hurt himself snowboarding which sounded particularly painful.
I probably came off as a total fruit. But hey.... that's me. I was happy and excited and curious to know him. When he went to leave he said he would come again before he left in June once his study is over- I hope he does. I went to say love you but didn't. I do love him. But I dunno, might've been a bit weird for him.
Strange aye.
Jimmy said my family are freaks. They just do that.
Do what I said.
Just pop up out of no where like bang hello I am here.
I agree. We're freaks.
Must be genetic.
Oh- going wakeboarding tomorrow. Bright and chirpy at 7am! Should be a hoot.