(no subject)

Nov 22, 2004 00:38

Saturday night I did manage to shower and meet up with Rich and Merc for his bday...it was ok, I'm so antisocial though sometimes..like when I'm just not into it, I can be such a bitch. Even before we headed out, I was being such a pain in the ass...We finally get in the car and thats where I usually put my lipstick on...I look at my lip liner and realize, i broke the tip and it needed to be sharpened, so I'm all frantic "OMG STOP!! I have no lipstick!!!" Kevin's like "so what? don't wear any"

Now I don't know about you guys but I don't go out AT NIGHT w/o liner and gloss
Sorry. Nope. Not this lady.

So I make him drive alll the way back and go get my sharpener. HAH.

So we get there and everyones all chatty, and I'm just basically ignoring everyone eating crab legs. I met Danny and Erin. Typical Long Island trash. Not surprised, she had the bleached blonde hair, dark roots....talked about her stupid kids. I just could not stop staring at her mouth area..it was like she had too many teeth for her mouth and her bottom jaw protruded out further than her top jaw..IDK but it was intriguing, it was like every word she said was like I had never heard it before..I mean, don't get me wrong I wasn't listening, I was just ...staring. Sooo that kept me occupied for a good 30 minutes.

Mercedes was getting trashed on strawberry daquiris and by trashed I mean like she had two. I wasn't in the drinking mood so I just watched everybody else drink which btw is fun b/c then you notice how stupid everyone else gets. I pretended to laugh occasionally at everyones jokes and lame stories, got excited when my lobster came and then looked forward to my capuccino afterwards...

why do i feel like patrick bateman right now?

Moving on, omg..but just at the end I could not take it anymore..we were all done but everybody was just sitting at the table and they were talking that lame standard adult bullshit talk like idk medical insurance or w/e...and I just started putting on my scarf and jacket and I stood up and I was like "Ok bye"
Kevin was all "oh you want to leave??" DURR fucking idiot
I was pissed at him b/c he was either not feeling my pinches under the table or he was ignoring me.

So w/e I thought I was going to go home and crawl into bed but LO AND BEHOLD
Merc and Rich invited themselves over...and stayed until 2am

WTF bitches GO HOME
and then to make matters WORSE it was fucking pouring out and when I went to get out of the car I didn't realize my purse was open and my friggin phone, BRAND NEW camera, keys and makeup fell into a puddle about 6 inches deep...yes, so now my camera is broken and everytime i shake it water flies out...but i still managed to salvage the last pics I took.

Today, I loafed around, cleaned and then cooked for Kev
and i must say i am awesome

I made marinated black angus steak..corn, potatos and we had shiraz (of course)
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