A list of things to do if you're feeling bad and want to feel worse:
- Google image search the Holocaust.
- Watch the news, preferably the world news, though channel 7, 10 or 9's mediated sensationalist shit will probably do.
- Make a playlist of songs for your funeral (this is really pretty fun).
- Go to a pub when there's a rugby league (or any other televised organised sport) game on. You may just be lucky enough to witness racism, sexism, chauvinism and many other appalling displays of the 'typical Australian alcohol-fueled man' in one sitting!
- Look at the number of people who have joined this lovely Facebook group: Fuck Off We're Full (
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=48449193335) or browse around this website's educational content
God Hates Fags, or it's affiliated,
Obama Is The Antichrist.
- Stare at the two big fat ugly bills on (my) fridge for ten minutes and think about all the money you don't have.
- Think about all the people you know who are racist, think about all the people you don't know are racist and think about all the people you know who don't know they're racist.
- Watch Religilous, Zeitgeist and Sicko in a row (additional Hellhouse and Jesuscamp optional).
- Turn all the lights off and listen to Leonard Cohen for several hours, alternatively, listen to some of the songs suggested here,
Songs That Make You Want to Commit Suicide.
Any suggestions?
I might add more later.
Now I'm going to bake cookies!