Giant narcissistic lj-entry that shall not be lj-cut!

Jan 20, 2008 17:27

Okay, first of all,

Crap to do:
+ FIX THE LJ CSS! Alright, I have to pay for paid lj to fix the css, and that black bar up top is messing it uuuuup!
` - so that the background image shows
` - so that the background & menu is fixed, but entries aren't
` - so that the word "comments" are displayed
` - most lj entries are non-lj-locked anymore
` - "about me" fixed
` - so that the DATE shows on the entry
` - fix the moods thingy
+ Fix my lj memories. :*
+ Buy printer. <3
+ Make lj so that more entries appear per page. [pfft Andrew]
+ Oraganize lj-communities.
+ Get a new phone.
+ Get the middle locker! I'm smalll I can't be standing on my tippytoes all the time >_>

Oh, and apparently, I have to pay around $1000 tomorrow to do the stupid GCSE's that I probably wont even need. ._. Stupid school. Gave us a weekend's notice?

Oh and it's been raining!! It's seriously fun. x3 When it rains over here, everyone's happy. So fun!

Hmmmmm... what else... oh... boy troubles. -sigh-! Such a headache. I miss that stupid boy so much. Unfortunately, his girlfriend is so creepily obsessed with him. Freaks me out. It's like she's never been loved. o___o Whatever, at least she's not a skanky bitch. Still, I don't like her much. Never did.

My dad gave me a laptop woot woot. Scrubs is on TV right now. Yay, Scrubs!

US Vacation

Best shyt ever. :* !!!!!
Went to Cali, met awesome people. I really didn't think that I'd like them tbh. I'm not good at meeting new people. They were really fun. (:

We went to uh, Universal Studios.... , Disneyland, stuff. Oh, that umm... observatory place. Space museum? Haha.

Then we went to Vegas, which was the first time I actually enjoyed it. Fun. x3 Uh, what else? OHHH. The Grand Canyon! Wow o_o I thought they would have railings to protect us and stuff? I was totally wrong. ._. I could have fallen. Well, anyone could have. It was pretty nauseating to look at the bottom of the canyon from such a steep cliff. All I heard over there was, "be careful!!" and "come back!" and "don't go there!" and "don't lean over."

Still, the food was delish. Even though it was super windy. THERE WAS LIKE AN EAGLE THERE! Two actually <333

After Cali and Nevada and Arizona, we went to Georgia to that awesome aquarium! Wow. That was amazzzing. <33
There where so many sea creatures like ummmm... lots! From the tiny tiny microscoping ones.. to the jellyfish.. to sea dragons, anemones, sharks.... whales.... penguins! Sea otters. Purrrddie. :3

We stayed over at my godparent's house. That was odd.

Okay... after that.. NEW YORK!!!! Wow, I don't know why.... but I LOVED Manhattan. o___o! I just did. I love cities. The lights the peopleeeee, the carsss. AND THE SUBWAY! We stayed at a hotel that was very close to the subway. It's an express ride (1 hr?) to Manhattan... The subway creeped me out because it creaked, it rattled.. and I was really scared. ._. But after that I liked it. XD

It was payed for by my dad's work so I got to order anything I want from the hotel delivered up to my room. Yumyumyumyum. <3

We went to watch a Musical and shopped at Old Navy. Blah blah.

That's it, really. I was v. scared of flying this yr, I don't know why....;;

Then school... sigh... schoool. Exams.... sigh... Chem.. Bio... Physics... grrr... Math.


I'm such a dork.

Can links be embedded? I forgot.
facebook me


long, rl, school, vaca

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