Title: Kata of the Glade
Genre: General
Pairing: Mako/Neph, if you squint and turn your head to 40 degrees.
Rating: G
A/N. Final one for "Bubbles"
Makoto only comes here when a storm is brewing. The glade is the perfect pace to feel both of her elements in harmony. Nestled into an area off the beaten path in the park, she cannot help to think that the area is conducive to serenity and peace.
Upon entering the glade she bows, be it to any local deities she’s disturbed or an opponent long gone. One time she thought she saw a bubble floating around, but, once she looked up again from her bow, it was gone, floating away to the place that all bubbles wish to return to.
She never wears her gi or transforms into her senshi form, starting her kata the moment she can feel the first sizzling of lightning in the air. She starts slow, just like the storm, moving deliberately as the first drops begin to hit her face, making it through the branches above.
Her concentration deepens. Almost imperceptivity, the branches around her grow longer, reaching towards each other in an attempt to make a patchy dome over her head. Leaves bud out of season, and soon unfurl. Makoto, unnoticing, only moves faster, feet and hands becoming blurs as she moves.
Lightning strikes nearby, Makoto can taste the electricity in the air, but she does not run as others would. Allowing a small smile, she is pleased that the storm is responding so well, wanting to get so powerful to make her a partner.
All Makoto sees is flashes and brown blurs, and, for a moment, remembers a time when she were not so content to witness these things. Lightning strikes her glade, but does not burn the trees, only illuminates them, Makoto looking like a goddess fighting to her last through the gaps in the trees, appendages invisible as she moves through complex motions.
Like the growing of the trees around her, Makoto’s style alters itself minutely so that it no longer resembles any fighting style on Earth. It is in this glade that Makoto can remember the happier times of her past, and not focus on the ever-present image of brown and grey that more often occupies her mind.
Finally, the storm and Makoto wear themselves out. Soaked to the skin, sweat mixes with rain and Makoto smiles again, feeling refreshed. Fey eyes look around clearly for the first time in hours, and she smiles: the glade is practically overrun by new life. She thinks it’s an improvement, but knows that by the next time she returns it will be gone. Only able to tap into her power while in extreme concentration, Makoto resolves to practice more diligently, so that it becomes more second nature.
Leaving the glade, she bows again, her dress sticking to her body in ways that would make Haruka-chan confine her to her apartment and close all the curtains. Hair has come out of her ponytail, too, beginning to frizzle in the leftover humidity of the storm. Chuckling to herself, she really does not care that she looks improper, chalking up her notice to spending too much time with Minako-chan.
Walking home, the last sizzles of lighting flash off in the distance, and Makoto begins to come back to herself, thinking about trying out a new recipe that she heard about: thunder cake.