Nov 06, 2005 13:03
I went to see Katy last night and I was going to stay the night but instead I went home. I told them I was sick feeling but I'm sure they think it's because of Patrick which it so wasn't. Katy really didn't seem impressed that I was there. While they were eating I was telling something to Nikki and Katy was like "Listen to me you see Jena all the time" I think that was my first clue that I really shouldn't be taking up any of katy's nikki time. I'm usulay ok with them being so in love with each other like I know they don't love me like that and whateves but it really bugs me when they ask me to go out of my way to come see them and then I feel alienated by them all night. For once the only people at U of T who were assholes were the ones that were always assholes. I really don;t like the pregnant looking jewish girl that lives across the hall from Niki (I said she's jewish because it's really obvious that she is you know what I mean? Patrick guessed like five seconds after he heard her speak it was really funny.
No one wanted to get high last night which was really weird, no one was as super drunk as they usualy are but of course we left at like 11. Patrick wasn';t having very much fun everyone was talking about stuff he didn;t know about and I understand how it can be a little overwhelming. (Let me just say this agian , Patrick was not the reason that I went home)