Oct 01, 2005 11:53
sept 29 2005 was a very eventful day.
First I lost a bead off my nsoe ring between classes. Then Patrick and I had to go to the mall to get new ones. Then I had to go down town. Me and Patrick are now a couple. Yay! Down town we got drunk (nikki jeff and I) then we went and saw the london apartemnst and we got toi see Josh. I hugged him 800 thousand million times because I hadn't realize how much I missed him and how nice he feels. I think Josh is one of the best people to hug on the entire planet. He looks really good I am very happy he looks so good.
Then Nikki and I went to Einstien's and O'gradys and we were very drunk. We got back to U of T and I lost another bead and then my entire nose ring was gone so I had to put a huge safety pin it it so it wouldn't clsoe up. U of T people are asshole, well the girls are for sure at least. I got kinda mad at how rude Nikki's friends are so I demanded we go to Jeffs and we did and it toook forever and his security gaird was trying to pick me up. Then we had to bang on jeff's door until his room mate opened it and was very mad but whateves. WEe passed out and then got up at 7 so I could get to school.
I was still drunk on the bus and I felt so sick that I didn't even go to class I just passed out after I ate some greasy bacon and almost died in the elevator (it mad weird sounds and missed the floors we were suposed to stop and it was scary) then me and patrick hug out untill me and amy went downtown to go see okgo. We went to the edge to get the tickets and then we went went all around looking for the club and then we got food before heading in. It was an early show so we got home before too late and made the last 191.
Then I fdound patrick and we chilled. He spent the night last night but he ended up sleeping on the floor because my bed is way too small to have two comfy people. I really like waking up to him. I really like him he makes me feel so comfortable, I can jsut be naked with him and I have only known him a month. it's really nice. We're doing mushrooms tonight, so expect a post tomarrow about our crazy adventures