Bialogue Letter Protesting No Bisexual Categories for Book Awards

Sep 23, 2006 00:48

To Charles Flowers

We are writing to protest the fact that you have not added any bisexual categories for the Lambda Literary Awards this year despite a request from the entire bi community that you promised to thoughtfully consider.

Many months ago we requested that you add bisexual categories for fiction, nonfiction and anthology.  Or at the minimum, a category for a bisexual book of any type, as you have for Transgender.  We also asked that you add more bisexual judges so that the process would be more fair.

We thought that the lack of bisexual categories might have been an oversight. You had ample time in which to consider our proposal before announcing your award categories for 2006.  The fact that you still have no bi book categories despite our bringing this omission to your attention appears to be blatant discrimination against the bi community.

We ask that you immediately add bisexual categories for 2006.  We do not accept that it is already too late just because the categories have already been announced.  You can send out another press release to announce the additions.  We (in conjunction with other bi organizations) will do everything we can to get the word out and we will make sure there are plenty of nominations for any bisexual categories by December 1st.

Sheela Lambert


lambda literary awards, bi writers association

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