The holiday season can be stressful enough and when we add being Queer folk in a less than welcoming world, it can be enough to make the best of us think of turning into the Grinch for the duration.
BiNet USA has posted some excellent advice for how we LGBTQ folk can all have a happy holidays:
TIPS FOR A HAPPY HOLIDAY If you are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender . . . Also particularly in the wake of the odious 'Prop H8', it is important for us all to support each other. BiNet USA has a "
Celebrate the Season In Style!" Page full of great Gift Ideas to fit any budget, so we all can Buy Some Bi Gifts and support the Bisexual and general LGBT Communities with our holiday shopping dollars.
HRC (the Human Right Campaign) has released its general
"Buying for Equality 2009" Consumer Guide that everyone would do well to keep in mind not just for the season but whenever making purchases during the upcoming year.
BiNet USA is America's umbrella organization and voice for bisexual, pansexual, fluid and all other of us "somewhere in between" people as well as their lesbian, gay, transgender, "straight but not narrow" and questioning friends and allies. It facilitates the development of a cohesive network of
independent bisexual and bi-friendly communities; promotes bisexual, pansexual and bi-inclusive visibility; and collects and distribute educational information regarding sexual orientation and gender identity with an emphasis on the bisexual and pansexual and allied communities.
Come join their
E-Mail List,
Myspace page and the new
BiNet USA Facebook Group and keep the conversation going.
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