random animals

Jun 01, 2007 05:18

every day is a weird day. in the sake of keeping one's sanity and keeping things locked, popped, and on the down low, i've been keeping myself entertained. from one day to the next, i never know what sort of wrongdoing or shenaniginnery i'll be getting myself into. i'm in search of employment, but not really searching all too hard.

you see, i've had this little man in my ear all my life. to make things even more confusing, let's refer to him as alex. you see, ever since i was in school, alex has told me to put things off. he's my partner in crime and go to guy for procrastination.

some may perceive this to be a pitfall of my personality, but i believe it's all the stupid things people do that make everyone unique, and thus affect living in a positive way. this steady diet of ramen noodles and occasional meal here or there is what keeps me strong. a person in my position might be down in the duldrums, but myself i just look to it as a form of encouragement, one of those life lessons we all hear our parents drone on about when we're younger.

as a matter of fact, i don't remember the last time i was feeling down. i've also been woman-free for over two years now, and i don't feel like changing that any time soon. my life always is on an upswing and dramafree without the opposite gender involved in my life. at this point in life i don't feel the need for a companion, as living with roommates has taught me, everyone has their quirks (which goes back to making life great), and i can't stand any of them. it'll be such a revelation one day when i can walk in the front door of my own home, and not have to deal with other people.

i don't get to walk around naked at my leisure, but one day, maybe!
keep your chins up, shoes tied, and underwear clean.

yours truly,

ps, if any of you have xbox live, add me. my gamertag is kingofnumetal.
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