Dec 21, 2004 19:53
okay okay okay. im finished. i can't handle this anymore. IM DONE WITH these fake friends. i seriously can't take this anymore. like...I DONT UNDERSTAND YOU. i dont know what im supposed to do anymore. this is out of control. i dont know why you are corrupting my friends. i want things to back to the way they used to be. i dont understand how people can not see it right through you. hmm okay so you are popular right now...well that is def. gunna change because everyone will know how fake you are. as for my other friends who are supposed to be there for me...YEAH thanks alot...NOT. im sick of this. why do i not tell people what im really feeling at school? why do i act like everything is okay? maybe its because i dont want to start drama...or maybe everyone is just being really fake and annoying. hmm...interesting. i really can't believe no one sees the fake person she really is. sorry if your wondering who this 2 faced person is...but you prolly wont find out..OR MAYBE YOU DONT CARE. or maybe this 2 faced hoe can take more of my friends and turn them agaist me. because we are definetly not as close as we were before she came into the picture. i dont know what its gunna take for me to get noticed..hmm maybe an emotional break down? how sad that it has come to that. it not that im in desprite need of attention..because im not. i just want..nevermind.
hmm maybe im just saying this because im really scared about tomorrow. im..really really scared. but again..are my friends there to support me..or tell me everything is going to be okay...hmmm NO. thats just great. i really appreciate it. i can't wait to bust the hell out of north. i feel like my friends that i was close with are leaving me...and i miss them. i miss our conversations..but now this skank has i guess taken over. there are just some things i will never understand. and i bet all of you have absolutley no idea what im talking about..except brittany because she is the only one who actually makes an effort to make me feel beter..or just talk to me. how sad that the 2 face hoe knows absoultuely NO idea that im talking about her..and she prolly will never find out. oh well. sorry you had to read this..but i can't keep this bottled up anymore. i just feel ignored. and im not gunna bust out at school and bitch at everyone because id rather not deal with the drama that comes with it. hmm i just hope my friends will realize who their true friends are...
ps.- there are stil the certain few that i dont take it personally..i guess.