
(no subject)

Oct 18, 2005 20:33

I've been super busy lately, but I like that, I think. I haven't had a day off in a while, and I won't for a while longer, which sucks, but hopefully good things will come.
I got a new job at Clear Channel. I am now training to be a Traffic Producer. It's a fancy name for a not so fancy job. I don't even like the job (so far) that much, but I'm hoping to soon LOVE IT. I'm thinking about talking to James, my boss, and asking him what he thinks. I am told that this could be a really good thing, but I want to make sure it will help me out in the long run, rather then not. I don't want to be doing it for nothing. I like Board Oping, and really dislike the traffic producer job so far. Today, while I was being trained, I asked my trainee (I guess that's what you call it) if he liked it. He told me later that he HATED it. I said well, at least April (our boss) said it may get us on air! And he said she says that to everyone, and it hasn't so far. I'm kinda worried, but I did hear my boss saying he has only been there for two months and he still isn't very good. I guess we'll see. Any advice would be nice.

Today, while I was training I look over and see what looks like two men wrestling. I am thinking okay, funny guys, then I realize they are NOT wrestling and one guy is on top of the other shoving things in his mouth because he's having a seizure! There is another guy on the phone with 911 and blood is coming out of the man's mouth. Very scary! I rush to get paper towels for them and try to get out of the way. It was VERY scary, me thinking I may watch this man die, but he pulled through. He was having an interview and then all of a sudden started having a seizure! How scary/sad/embarassing! I feel so bad for him. The paramedics came and he had no idea where he was or what was going on. Very sad, but I'm glad he was okay. At least he was when I was there.

I need to quit the babysitting job, and I am, because of this new job. I can't wait! I can't wait to not have to watch those brats anymore! Well, I love Genna, but she is even getting on my nerves and I know it's time to stop.

Ahh, I am SO TIRED!! So, Marissa hacked into my myspace account and changed my user name, thinking I had hacked into hers and changed hers, when I didn't. LoL, I don't care, it's funny. I think I may change some of my passwords though, too many people know them and I don't like it.

Okay, I'm out.
Nite Nite.
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