Oh, my sweet revenge.

May 10, 2007 15:25

Will be yours.  For the taking.  It's in the making, baby--Okay, enough SOAD.  Naw, seriously now, I--Well, I guess that first I should explain what I'm seeking revenge for, eh?  Well, the incident in its entirety may be found here, but I'll give you the condensed version:

I, who seldom gets into any sort of trouble, had to spend three hours of school confined to a small room in the library, which seems to currently double as a storage room, for refusing to don some ghastly oversized white t-shirt because I *gasp* don't keep an entire wardrobe in my locker to change into, to conceal my oh-so-disgraceful shirt--that I've worn plenty of days before--that day.  Okay, the shirt was a tank-top, which I suppose are technically forbidden according to the school's dress code policy (oh, wait, but your school-sanctioned cheerleading uniforms put some of the stripper outfits to shame, hm?).  Anyways, what made me mad was that, I've worn other shirts that were also tank tops and was never before in trouble, other people have worn similar clothes and escaped reprimanding, so what the hell made this particular shirt so particularly bad?

My guess: whatever teacher that snitched (yeah, I never learned the name--something smells like rotten fish and cabbage), and then the wrinkly dog of a troll who thinks she's our disciplinarian (sorry, but you've got nothing on the humongous black guy whose spot you took) objected to the content of this oh-so-deplorable article of clothing: a rainbow, and the words WE ARE EVERYWHERE in white.  And that annoys me.

So, not only will that shirt be worn (hah, along with a giant cross necklace I possess) again--and I'll take precautions with some sort of undershirt, so nothing can be said even if it's wanted to--I'm contemplating adding one or more new shirts to my school wear, provided I find the means and the money to pay for it.  People usually squick more about two guys versus two girls, and I like watching yaoi (yaoi = male homosexuality) anime, so I've come up with four designs for possible shirts:


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