[NYC] 1st Thursday BiRequest Meeting: Gendered Sex, Gendered Heart . . .

Jan 03, 2011 14:36

All Bisexual, Fluid, Pansexual Queer-identified and Bi-friendly folks are invited to join us at the NYC's LGBT Community Center this Thursday January 6th for another of BiRequest's bi-monthly moderated discussion groups. This weeks topic is: Gendered Sex, Gendered Heart . . .

One of the primary ways Dr. Fritz Klein's Sexual Orientation Grid expands the study of human sexuality, is the idea that bisexuality is not just about sexual desires or capabilities. It also examines our emotional and social preferences. . . "Who do you feel more drawn to or close to emotionally?" and "Which gender do you socialize with?"

So the possibility for there being a social and emotional variation between our sexual and emotional partners becomes a point of investigation.

This week we break into the realm of the gendered. And as you'd expect, there are more than a few ways to view the prism. We'll start off with three ideas for our consideration:

• Sex & love are like the juggling arts. When dealing with bowling pins you need one technique to get the pins flipping. When juggling variously sized balls, you use another. With one gender perhaps we'd flip one way, with some other gender another

• Some of us are Situational Sluts: The right place, the right time, the right partner . . . We are open to any gender both sexually and emotionally, though under conditions.

• Mirror Mirror: Wherein I am the chameleon, changing colors, position, 'styles' based on my partners'. For example: If my partner is more 'masculine', I may get more submissive; if my partner more 'femme-y', I fill a more leadership role, etc., etc.
Join us every 1st and 3rd Thursday evening starting at 6 PM at NYC's LGBT Community Center at 208 West 13th Street in Greenwich Village for our famously supportive, BiRequest support meetings for an engaging conversation. Share the source of your emotional and social satisfactions, your expectations and the unique way your desires flow. Or just hang out and listen to what others have to say.

Open to all Bisexual, Fluid, Pansexual Queer-identified and Bi-friendly folks, of any age, race, gender, sexual, affectional or relational orientation. Ours is a tiny example of the rainbow; a safe space to share your perspective and insights into all things Bisexual/Pansexual. And if you can’t join us for the meeting, catch up with us for dinner, round 8:15-ish, at . . .

Empire Szechuan Village 173 7th Avenue South one block south of 11th Street at Perry ~ a short walk from the Center

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