Nov 26, 2017 17:41
HOW MARRIED GUYS GET CAUGHT! from the Bi Men Network -
HOW MARRIED GUYS GET CAUGHT! Cautionary Tales and Good advice from Bi Men Network for men!
From: wonderwhy1955 at Bi MEN NETWORK - - the world`s largest social networking site with a bisexual male focus! Now over 250,000 active adult male members with us today and all free!
I had occasion the other day to consider how easy it is for married bisexual guys (or even heterosexual for that matter) to be caught by their wives after a little foray into bed with someone else. I have always tried to make sure that I am very aware of actions or any other form of evidence that would indicate that I have been "sipping from another cup" but every now and then it is easy to slip ....... and ohhh so easy to get caught. I have been with my wife since we were both 21 and we know each other so damn well that any abberation or deviation is instantly apparent. I make it hugely worse of course by being a dreadful creature of habit - it goes with my job which is based on systems and procedures that follow a careful routine so it is inbred that I am pretty damn consistent. My wife is a bloody smart lady so not much gets by her and I never underestimate her so I was really annoyed at myself for a slip up that required a quick recovery.
In this particular instance I had been on a business trip to London and i was fortunate that it coincided with a married mate who was also there on business. We had an incredible blast - not just the great sex but the ability to head our for drinks and dinner together - to sit in the bar of the hotel and enjoy each other's company - to wake up together after some major cum unloading and shower together before having breakfast together. That was all fine ..... different country ...... no one knows you or cares anyway ...... secure private room ....... all fine ..... nihgtly call to the family and reachable at the hotel if anything came up!!! So where did I slip up????
I was commando for 2 days running ....... no need for underwear while my buddy was around and I enjoy the feeling of my cock moving around while I am in my suit. It is not unknown for me to be commando in jeans on the weekend but during a series of Board Meetings in London!!! Very difficult for my wife to give credibility to THAT scenario. So when I unpacked after returning from the trip I stupidly returned the clean boxers to my underwear drawer and threw an inadequate number into the laundry basket to equate to the number of days I had been away. She picked it up in a shot!!! I knew I hadn't been gone long enough to have had hotel laundry done (one escape excuse) so i had to say that i hadn't finished unpacking yet and there was still some laundry in my case!!! I got away with it but cursed myself for being so stupid.
Over the years on being a member of sites like this I have heard many shared experiences on how husbands have been caught by their wives ..... in some cases I have thought that it was dumb enough to have been a "need" to be caught to bring it out in the open. Other events have been tragic embarrassments where too many people have been hurt needlessly ....... we all live in this situation of conflicting priorities where it is easy in following your nature to leave a trail that others can see and be exposed.
Computers are the greatest villian for those of us not as technically savvy as others. It was computer useage that brought me the closest I ever want to get to a marriage breakdown - since that time i have always meticulously never used the home computer for any of this stuff. I know guys who had "chat" on the homes computers and hadn't changed the automatic settings. Children or wives had logged on only to have an IM come up from "bigcockinBoisieID" pop up with a rauchy profile photo that said it all.
Web Site histories that are impossible to explain when the site name is "Horny College footballer with massive cocks!"
Guy have equally been caught by having condoms or lube when they don't use them with their wives.
Wives cleaning under beds have found flotsam discarded in the throes of passionate sex.
Messages on cell phones.
Worse yet .... automatic redial on cell or house phones that recalls a number best left to history.
Being in a mall when some flouncy clearly gay guy bounces up to you and says HI - I restrict myself to married guys and have frequently encountered them in malls so the hardest thing there is to explain how you know each other!!!!
I am sure that we all know examples of how guys have been caught and I often think that we might help each other more on this site by sharing these anecdotes and how to overcome the situation. I know we all get off on discussing docking and whether to swallow cum and how to spot a bisexual guy at a block party ...... but one of the best advices we can give each other is how to cover your tracks. FINIS
Tags: bi guys, bi married men, bi men, bisexual men, gay married men, gay men, pansexual
married guy,
privacy concerns,
married men,
down low,
coming out