Catch up

Sep 20, 2009 00:33

 I haven't written on here properly for so long now, facebook is too addictive with all its games and simple status posts etc but it also doesn't allow people to really see what it going on in peoples lives, when you have a big friends lists even using filters to view friends and family means you still end up missing what people post as it so quickly drops off the end of the page and that means i'm missing out on peoples lives that i used to hear about all the time, but also coming back here i quickly see that a lot of people aren't posting here either so i dunno... I do however want to post more here although its not the best of timing for grand plans now that i'm due into hospital again soon, oh well!

My life at the moment? Still in Shrewsbury surrounded by the zoo and my fabulous wifey Ruth, still on tons of painkillers for various body pains but hopefully will be able to at least reduce what within the next few months. Since coming out of hospital in April my health has not been good, sleeping all over the place, little to no energy, difficulty in transerring and lots of pain when up in my chair despite the drugs means i can count the number of times i've been out the house since then on two if not one hand. Aside from one day we managed to get out and take the dogs for a walk together in August i haven't been out the house since my birthday back in mid July, yep thats how bad things have got to. We're hoping to try and get out to Attingham Park today though (and hopefully for a meal out as well) as i feel trapped, i need to get out of these four walls i'm sick of only ever seeing the living room or the bathroom!

September the 29th i'm going back into Pinderfields Hospital up in Wakefield and 2 days later on the 1st of October i should be getting my operation to finally get my bladder removed and i think also have one of my kidney tubes replaced with part of my bowel to replace the narrowness which is why i've had so many problems with kidney stones over the years, the kidney tube bit makes it an even bigger op though and i've not had any confirmation they're still going to do that aside from what they said when i was last in hospital so i dunno if its happening or not but the main thing is to get my bladder taken out as doing that will get rid of the bladder spasms and horrid gunk etc and should hopefully mean i'll have less pain and therefore be able to be on less morphine at least. I don't know how long i will be in hospital this time but hopefully not the 6 weeks i was in earlier this year! I've been trying to get this op for 5 years now so it's been a long time coming but i'm also realistic in that i know it's not going to solve everything and i'm going to have to work at getting well afterwards at least i have a target to aim for though if we're ever going to have a baby of our own then i need my health to be as well as it can be beforehand.  It's been an endless battle against the bladder stuff these last few years so hopefully with that gone it'll allow me to see how much else is going on, i know the skeletal stuff in various places will raise its head again so i will need to get on and get an appointment with wheelchair services so that i can try and get at least a better seating system for my current chair if not a new chair altogether. I also need to try and chase up getting hoists in the lounge and upstairs which is a referal which has been waiting for way too long now but given how brain dead i am on the morphine most days and my irregular sleeping its imposible trying to chase these people up within the few hours a day window of opportunity that debbie is in to help. But without that referal and hopefully some funding for it its not going to happen, we don't have the money and Ruth extended the mortgage and maxed credit cards to pay for my bathroom especially as come the end of October she leaves her current contract and will be starting working from home on website design and the Salon Alchemy system.

Anyway i should get some sleep even though i'm not tired as i've been zonked out on morphine all day long *sigh* 

bladder stuff, pinderfields, catch up, health, operation, updates

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