Feb 18, 2010 14:16
ever since i got my new phone it goes off at the randomest times whenever i get an email!! so this morning i woke up and it said i got an email form amazon bout a book coming out in paper back (shadow's queen by anne bishop) that i already have in hard back!!
but the good thing about it was that i found out the next book in that series is coming out in 12 days!!! Shalador's Queen, so of course i had to go to her website and read the excerpt and omg.... it left off very suspenseful part!!
and now im going like gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
give me more..............................
and it wont go away!!!!
maybe i'll try writing what's gonna happen???
lol it reminds me of all my reminiscings i used to have about what it'd be like to live in the world of shadows.
oh well i've put off greeting the world long enough.
i bid u adue
anne bishop,
shalador's queen,
new book