found in orientation

Jul 04, 2005 23:12

This time I turned at the *second* crossing of the LHHT with the Summit Trail, and proceeded to do the hike I'd expected to do on Saturday. Very pretty; crosses a few different types of vegetation, and shows off nice sandstone formations. Sadly, it also shows off other not-so-nice silicon dioxide formations -- those sedimentary rocks that often accumulate at the bottom of easily-accessible cliffs.

Sunset was not as gorgeous as last time, but to make up for it I got to scare off some deer, many chipmunks, some small birds, and one larger bird of prey (eagle or somesuch). And a few mosquitoes and flies. Actually, those last ones didn't seem to get scared off.

This marks the first ever Fourth of July that I've been in the US yet not attended any celebrations. Despite that, I saw lots of fireworks. First, various power or phone wires on PA711 were popping loudly and sparking (!?! the EMT folks I notified of this didn't seem to find it rather routine). Next, I saw various little villages putting up pathetic little fireworks displays. As I got closer to civilization, the fireworks got bigger and more impressive, until a peak at Monroeville or Wilkinsburg. Given the traffic headed out of the city, I guess the fireworks at the Point had ended about 10 minutes before I crossed the tunnel.

Last night, kfcrawford overcame minor technical difficulties and managed to organize a group of us to go see Princess Bride. So now I've actually really seen it end to end, except for the parts where the reels were so degraded they'd skip a half-second once in a while (perhaps in switching? but I've never seen this happen before.) Cute, silly, fun; the device of the grandfather reading to the kid annoyed me but not overly.

hiking, trip-report

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