Wherein I ship product.

Nov 19, 2014 09:02

For the past two years, I've been working on a creative building game.

Yesterday we shipped our first demo! You'll learn more by visiting our website, watching our video, and downloading the game, than by reading my bloviations here.

The details have evolved over time, but the driving ethos has always been to be fun, and to be about defining spaces. A lot of software for defining spaces is very definitely unfun. One of our early decisions was to target the minecraft demographic -- kids 12-30 (and maybe a bit beyond 30, too). That way, we couldn't afford to sacrifice fun for functionality.

We've still got a long road to go. The demo shows what we had for Makerfaire in September. We still need to build multistory buildings, we need to have more of an atmosphere, we need multi-player, there's functionality to improve, etc. We want to get this working with VR goggles and kinect, etc etc. That's should keep me busy for another couple years.
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