Apr 03, 2003 23:46
aww....<333...i jus g0t 0ff the f0ne with Dan...and we were talkin b0ut h0w im m0vin n stuff n he was like i wanna stay t0gether...hes all it'll jus give mee m0re reas0n t0 d0 g0od n h0pefully eventually m0ve up there. i was like y0u mite change y0ur mind..n hes all n0...0nly if a gurl exactly like y0u c0mes al0ng and all this..it was sweet =] s0 i guess we're stayin t0gether =] =]. aww..my cell f0ne was dying s0 i was like imma g0...n hes all allrite i wanted t0 tell y0u this yesterday...i l0ve y0u. <333333. i <3 this guy =].
0mg0sh...s0me guys are t0tally nuts...theres this guy Matt wh0 is friends with my cuzin in Barst0 wh0 has never even met me, jus saw pics..and s0 he kalls me n we talk a l0t..he kn0s i have a b0yfriend and everything...but hes pretty sweet n stuff..n t0nite he was all tellin me h0w it w0uld be kwl if he was my new b0yfriend...i was like 0 hell...l0l..hes kwl..hes leavin f0r marines b0otcamp in a c0uple m0nths th0...thats krayzi! we decided we'll write each0ther while hes away =]. lol..i <333 writing letters..s0 n e 0ne want mee t0 write them...i will. <3. Well..0n a happie n0te...im peacin 0ut!