Nov 05, 2002 18:17
allrite...guys r k0nf0osing!
Hall0ween Ryan and i were STILL fighting, but then he 0-s0-suddenly came t0 see mee that nite {gave him br0wnie p0ints, i must admit] s0 then we talked ab0ut a l0t and he t0ld me he c0uldnt get 0ver mee n0 matter h0w much he tried and that he l0ves mee s0 much and he gives int0 mee s0 easily and bla bla..and he jus kept tellin mee he l0ved mee like very 5 sec0nds.
s0 then he went back h0me that nite @ like 12. ::tear::, s0 then i din really talk t0 him 0n Friday, jus said hi t0 him while i was talkin 0n the f0ne t0 my cuzin Eric (wh0 is ryans r0ommate) and Eric was tellin mee Ryan was sayin h0w he still likes mee and all this crap..s0 i was pretty happie. s0 then i din talk t0 him 0r n e thing, and i left t0 the h0mec0ming game..then 0n Saturday i had s0me guys 0ver s0 naturally i din wanna kall him, but then Eric kalled and po0ki talked t0 him f0r like 2 h0urs..and then she talked t0 ryan t0o, and he was in like an assh0le m0od cuz he jus g0t 0ff w0rk n stuff, s0 i din wanna talk t0 him then either, s0 here we had had this seri0us talk 0n Thursday and kissed and all this..but then hadnt talked at all..s0 yesterday i was like f0rget it, i think i sh0uld jus get 0ver him, well try t0 n0w, bcuz i am t0tally head 0ver heals f0r him, s0 i kn0 its gunna take mass time! s0 then t0day i was sittin at h0me..and wh0 kalls? RYAN! and he was bein all sweet, s0 here i am again..back t0 l0vin him! ah! But he was all tellin mee h0w we have been thru s0 much in the sh0rt time we've been seein each0ther (4 m0nths t0day)..and that he falls deeper in l0ve with mee all the time. AH.
i l0ve him s0 much..and everytime i see him, n0 matter what plans i had t0 get 0ver him, they jus vainsh! i dunn0 what t0 d0, he is planning 0n m0ving in like 2 m0nths, but its n0t f0r sure. what d0 y0u think i sh0uld d0 pe0ple?? help mee 0ut pleez! give mee ure H0NEST 0pini0ns!
l0ve ya'll