Feb 24, 2005 18:02
so, i'm back
this saturday is solo for band. i dont think i am going to get a one this time like i did choir. i'm not that very good. i am better at singing. i am not looking forward to this day of music and horrible players. i dont really like band. blackburn's a chode.
i get to go to ny in a week. yeah! so much stuff to do...so little time. we are going to have so much fun. so steven said he would buy one of my tickets to go see a broadway show. i would feel guilty if i took the money. he could use that money for something recreational or what not. i just dont think i'll go. i dont like to spend peoples money unless it is mine.
i got to drive the audi today. it was hella tight.
so i had this dream the other night that i went to camp. i am very nervous about going to camp, and it is like 5 months away. i cant get nervous. i am with the big boys this year. so much tradition though. i dont know if i could handle it...NERVOUS BREAKDOWN....AHHAHAHAHAHHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!
sorry about that. my apologies (is that how you spell apologies, oh well that is how i'm giong to spell it so deal)
so, i found out that this person hasnt been telling me the truth. well he/she is truthful but he/she hasnt said what they really want to say. how can a relationship work like that? it makes me feel guilty and mad all at the same time. i just have to wait and see what he/she says. sorry i'm not telling you who it is although i'm sure you know who.
my dad's home. going to go eat at Tookie's...yum!
peace out my home fry g dawg nigga bitches. i'm outie in the hizzie.