My MGU course: Fridays at 16:20, starting Feb 20.

Feb 12, 2009 18:16

My MGU speckurs, Formal Semantics and Pragmatics, will meet on Friday afternoons. Lecture: 16:20-17:50, Seminar 18:00-19:30. First class meeting: Friday, February 20. I don't know the room yet, but they will know in the Kafedra.
       The website is up (see my previous post), and I will keep it updated with the schedule of what topics we will talk about on what days.
       The course is designed principally for 3rd and 4th year OTiPL students, but everyone is welcome. If you've had my course before, there will be nothing new in the first 3 weeks; what I'll do in week 4 (introduction to pragmatics), I did in Moscow only once before, MGU 2007, and I'll revise it this time. Weeks 5 and 6 will be a mix of old and new (Heim and dynamic semantics, but with new emphasis on formal representation of context, context-dependence, context-change, including things we didn't discuss in past years when the emphasis was on indefinites, definites, quantification, and anaphora.) Starting in week 7 I think it will all be new.

Remember that a propusk is needed. From OTiPL:
Поскольку в МГУ служба охраны требует наличие пропуска для прохода в здание, необходимо заранее сообщить на каф. ТиПЛ о желании посещать курс, чтобы лаборанты могли составить и подать списки в службу обеспечения безопасности. Необходимо указать (полностью) имя, отчество, фамилию и место учёбы/работы.

pragmatics, moscow, semantics, teaching, mgu

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