Jan 21, 2004 11:58
Maybe this is where my $ is.....
Check's in the mail...for 5 1/2 years
Associated Press
Published January 21, 2004CHEK22
MIFFLINVILLE, Pa. -- The letter accompanying the check for $90.18 asked Dean Little not to cash it until Aug. 29, 1998.
No problem. He just got it Tuesday.
Little said the old envelope that arrived in his mail caught his eye, and so did the canceled 32-cent stamp, since postage now costs 37 cents - but the kicker was the Reading, Pa., postmark from Aug. 24, 1998.
Little, a sales manager for the Bloomsburg-area Schwan's ice cream business, said the letter was from former customer Derek R. Seibert of Klingerstown, Schuylkill County, with payment enclosed on his account with Schwan's.
Mifflinville postmaster Sheila Gilbert said the 5 1/2-year-old correspondence might have been lost at an out-of-town mail processing center, perhaps having gotten stuck in a piece of equipment or fallen behind a machine or counter.
Since the original check was considered lost, the Seiberts wrote the business another one. Before that, Little remembers calling about the owed money back in 1998 and being told that a check was ``in the mail.''
``They weren't lying,'' he said.