(no subject)

Jun 11, 2005 17:03

Section 1
- Your name: Rachael
- Your gender: female
- Age: 15
- Height: 5'4"
- Hair color: brown with red tips
- Eye color: blue
- Your location: my kitchen
- Fears: spiders, ear wigs, snakes, being outside at night

Section 2
- Peed your pants: oh ya
- Cheated on someone: hell no
- Fallen off the bed: dude like every day
- Fallen for a relative: YUCKK NO!
- Had plastic surgery: no
- Broke someone's heart: probably not
- Had your heart broken: yea
- Had a dream come true: ya kinda
- Done something you regret: ohh ya
- Cheated on a test: ya
- Been raped: no thank god
- Broken a body part: nope

Section 3
- Wearing: tank top, shorts, under stuff

- Listening to: MSI
- Chewing: nothing
- Feeling: bored
- Reading: this thingy
- Chatting with: no one
- Watching: blue streak
- Should REALLY be: ...nothing

Section 4
- Brush your teeth:uhh ya like 3 times day
- Like anybody: ya
- Have any piercing: 5
- Drive: ya with a parental unit in the car
- Believe in Santa Claus: no..but i wish he was real :)
- Ever get off the computer: ya

Section 5
- Do you belong to a crew: a crew??? are you kidding me? lol 
- Do you hang out with the opposite sex: ya
- Do you consider yourself popular: no i have like barley any friends
- Do you trust your friends: ya
- Are you a good friend: yep
- Can you keep a secret: ya

Section 6
- Last hugged: my mom
- Last IMed: can't remember i haven't been online in awhile but problay gaven
- Last talked to on the phone: gaven
- Last yelled at: umm problay gaven but it wasn't really yelling
- Last fell in love with: gaven :)
- Last turned down: huh?

Section 7
- What do you want to be when you grow up: a pedeactrick nurse (sp)
- What was the worst day of your life: there has been quite a few
- What has been the best day of your life: the frist time me and gaven hung out outside of school and he held my hand :)
- What comes first in your life: gaven, friends, and my family
- Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush: ya
- If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them: uh....thats werid
- What do you usually think about before you go to bed: fuck i don't want to go to school tomorrow

Section 8
- Favorite movie: thats to hard to pick
- Favorite song: wayyy to many
- Favorite group: thats reallly fucking hard lol
- Favorite store: thrist store(sp)
- Favorite relative: uncle shawn :)..and my papa...and grandma :)
- Favorite sport: dirt biking
- Favorite vacation spot: any where warm
- Favorite fruit: green apples
- Favorite candy: starbrusts :) yum
- Favorite holiday: Christmas
- Favorite day of the week: friday
- Favorite color: red and orange
- Favorite magazine: i don't read
- Favorite name for a Girl: Missi or Roxy or Images
- Favorite name for a Boy: Buster and Seth and Cliff

Section 9
- Like to give hugs: ya :)
- Like to walk in the rain: ya but dancing in it is funnier :)
- Sleep with or without clothes on: with.. lol
- Prefer black or blue pens: black
- Dress up on Halloween: yes :)
- Have a job: no.. :(
- Like to travel: i like going places but i don't like that my dad is mad every time.. lol
- Like someone: ya
- Sleep on your side, tummy or back: side or tummy
- Think you're attractive: ha....No lol
- Want to get married: ya later in life
- Have a goldfish: no im algeric to fish
- Ever have the falling dream: uh i barley remeber my dreams
- Have stuffed animals: Ya :) :) lots

Section 10
- Abortion: i think its murder the only time it should  be allowed is if the girl was raped
- Eating Disorders: those are gay
- Summer: is awesome :)
- Tattoos: ya :)
- Piercings: ya but just not on private areas lol thats werid
- Drinking: oh fuck ya
- Guys: ...huh?
- Girls: ..?

Section 11
- Be serious or funny: funny
- Single or taken: taken
- Simple or Complicated: simple
- MTV or BET: uh bet?
- 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek: dawson's creek
- Sugar or salt: sugar
- Silver or gold: silver
- Tongue or belly button ring: tongue :)
- Chocolate or flowers: flowers
- Angels or miracles: uh i don't know
- Color or Black-and-white photos: doesn't matter
- Sunrise or sunset: sunset
- M&M's or Skittles: Skittles
- Rap or Rock: rock
- Stay up late or sleep in: stay up late
- TV or radio: radio
- Hot or cold: hot
- Members of the opposite sex taller or shorter: taller
- Sun or moon: moon
- Diamond or Ruby: diamond
- Left or Right: right
- 10 acquaintances or one best friend: 1 best friend
- Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate :)
- Kids or no kids: kids
- Half-empty or Half-full: what?
- Mustard or ketchup: ketchup
- Newspaper or Magazine: magazine if i have to read
- Spring or Fall: spring
- Give or receive: huh
- Rain or snow: rain
- Happy or sad: happy
- Sneakers or sandals: sneakers lol thats a funny word
- McDonald's or Burger King: ummm there both good
- Mexican or Italian food: Italian :)
- Lights on or off: depends
- A house in the woods or the city: in the woods as long as im not by myself
- Pepsi or Coke: coke
- Nike or ADIDAS: um either lol

wow i am so damn bored i took that!

well umm...thats about it


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