Mar 25, 2007 10:07
dont worry.
this will end soon.
and we will be ok.
and be able to laugh.
and smile at each other again.
and it wont be weird.
or hard.
itll be fine.
i promise.
just be my friend.
no awkwardness.
just friends.
be yourself and be honest to me.
i still hold the upmost respect for you.
and you know it wouldnt be this hard if you didnt care.
let your friends in and keep them close.
and i promise if you need anything, ill be there.
no questions asked.
just think how up things can go from here.
thats exciting i guess.
i know youre exhausted.
i am too.
but for some reason, from some higher power, the effort we're making seems necessary.
and thats saying something.
dont get too caught up in rules.
im not saying remember, just dont forget, the past.
and live for the future.
because ill see you there.