Hooray to
the latest anonmeme! Haven't seen them in a while, maybe that's the reason a lot of prompts look so amusing (keep in mind I don't usually like sex) ♥
Original piece of Game of Thrones (what ASOIAF? No ASOIAF fanfiction exists!) *in 2 parts*:
here and
here. I do not like the pairing, but styling it as a Medieval letter versus Modern commentary is lovely ♥
Looking where I will be able to get from Berlin in October. Germany is not big, of course, and I think I could get to places further away (like Munich), but air tickets are approximately the same as to home (ahem!), and by 'home' I mean exactly home, not the nearest hub airport. I can't make much sense of the railway prices at the moment, but they seem to be rather impressive, so I will likely devote more time to studying exploring Eastern and Northern Germany.