New glasses (and other news)

Mar 08, 2008 00:16

Went to the opticians on Monday to have an eye test as I've felt that my sight has been getting a little worse lately, or at least the sight through my left eye. Anyway, my right is still as good as always, but the left has got a considerably higher prescription since last time (and I lost my old glasses anyway) so I got some new ones... feel considerably poorer now, despite being a student, which means I got there two for one offer. It's going to take quite some time getting used to using the left eye again, and wearing glasses in general, I lost the old ones in the first term of last (academic) year :P

In other news, back home again, received news though that Tom, our cat, has gone missing since early February, he was a rather independent farm cat, and never house broken, so I can't really say I got close to him, but still it's upsetting that he won't be there any more :'(

Got a lab report to do over the easter break, and revision for exams afterwards ^^"
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