May 26, 2005 16:53
Memorial day~ We often just think of it as a day we get off of work. I have really always taken the time to remind my family of all the fallen hereoes of WAR not just our war but any war. I hate violence. Yet we live in a day and age of so much violence. Send out a prayer, blessing, a good word. Karma whatever your belief for our troops who wether they want to be there or not are there fighting for America. I have Family in Iraq and lost friends. I am never for a war, always for peace have we ever trully had peace in any situation? Maybe I think too much in this computer lab stuck long hours lack of sleep who knows... Not me. Just say a prayer or whatever you do for our people and remember the ones who haven't made it back to American soil. Sláinté
And for those of you who are bored on Sunday and Monday I am not working give me a jingle..... Life is too short not to spend it in the company of great friends. That means you Andrea!! Don't be a silly goose, I am never too busy for you love call me!! If the weather holds perhaps we can do a photoshoot who knows...
Slán go fióll
Peace & Many Blessings Much Love