Jun 02, 2010 21:42
Format stolen from Charley!
-Seeing so many folk from the 95th, including a fine crop of awesome newbies.
-A very ugly night of boozing on the thursday, which was just what I needed to unwind. Though.. I can't actually remember very much about it now, to be honest.
-Meeting up with my militia posse, and making additional new friends.
-Some fucking amazing roleplay with both guild and unit; highlights included the Saturday Night firing squad, my 'I'm SICK of this DICK' speech with an angry pirate, mentoring Sparks/Harry on her first patrol command...
-Really getting into Rupert's character and finding the right combination between grossness/silliness and actual depth; he's really come alive in the past few events.
-Potential future awesomeness to come re: the militia. Though I'm going to hold off details until I hear back about that all.
-Awesome fights, in particular some excellent night-time skirmishing.
-The weather for most of the weekend.
-Missing nearly all of the events of the GEF save for a couple of rounds of Jugger; this however was due to being too busy doing other fun stuff.
-Not getting to spend much time with the unit- again, I was busy and in future will probably only get busier, but I felt sort of like I was letting everyone down/being ungrateful due to not being able to do more stuff with them.
-The rain on saturday. Holy fuck, the rain on saturday. My boots leaked /mud/ and I went through four changes of socks.
-The toilets. Fucking. Rank.
-The lack of the hog-roast. Seriously, WTF? I have a major craving for lamb-shanks whenever I'm in the field, and there was no way to satisfy it!
-Having to leave.
-The rain on Saturday.