May 23, 2006 14:50

I have the new Dixie Chicks album. I am about four songs in and have teared up twice already. I wish I could put into words what this album means to me. For some reason when the D.C.s were attacked and abused I felt some of the sting from the swings. It might be because I agreed with what they said and felt that I was being reprimanded for my beliefs as well. It is more, though, that I just couldn't understand the anger angainst them. They were saying something out of love, concern, caring and people became these vicious beings spilling venom. It was shocking to see such darkness. It was especially hard to see when you want to truly believe that people are actually good, living their lives, doing what they must. The lashout was a scary display of mankind. And what made it worse was the missing reply of the good guys. Where were the screams of support that drowned out the imbeciles? They were absent and the whispers of us few were blown away with strong gusts of right-winged winds.
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