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xiuxiux April 17 2016, 05:27:08 UTC
i'm curious what was the title of the book were you reading on the train? :)

and oh baby my heart went out to you with all that lightstick drama! i almost didn't make it with a lightstick the first time i did an exoluxion and i was hydraulic press crushed. but thank God for cheap asian knock-off's lurking round the corner!!!! gotta love bangkok.

Seriously though, question for the ages, what would do you in that situation?
i left the line and deposited my ipad at the camera drop (no screens larger than 7 inches allowed). lol. for a moment i was upset and went to the bathroom and tried to stuff it under my shirt but security was doing very intrusive borderline-illegal pat-down's so i gave up. but yes i guess i am pretty chill about being four metres away from baekhyun as opposed to one. you may revoke my stan card.

It was definitely a conversation started the next day... "hey, whose extension number did you pick up over the weekend?" LMAO NO, thank god no one asked that. I did, however, receive compliments on my nails and husky post-concert voice. AND I walked around that Monday with a slight limp in my step from soreness. It looked like I got fucked up real nice Sunday night, which I did...by EIGHT GODS...COUNT 'EM!)
favorite paragraph in the pre-game.

5% guys
this is really interesting and i wonder if it's a US thing. i truly hardly EVER see guys at exo concerts so i would put it at 1%. i saw one dad in bangkok and 2 ladymen. a couple of accompanying, long-suffering boyfriends in singapore. i don't recall seeing ANY in hong kong or tokyo. maybe for the night EXO are the only males i have eyes for.

the air in a concert venue really feels different (: rarefied maybe for real because they may have played a little fast and loose with capacity constraints and the fire code. but there really is something about the excitement and you can taste the shift in the atmosphere once you walk in (: i love it.

Armed with my lightstick, my arm, no my entire body now feels complete, and there's no more nagging worries on my mind and I can finally relax, which means....trip to the bathroom! I do my business (#1 if you were ACTUALLY curious ahem) and I'm about to wash my hands when I suddenly hear a collective roar of screams and I'm like LOL FUCK SANITATION and I sprint out the bathroom door without washing my hands. (If you want to un-friend me now, I understand.)
second favorite paragraph. and we are still friends i love you.

They were such babies in the vid and then they come out to perform Overdose with so much masculine charm.
THIS. i LOVE IT. SERIOUSLY THIS CONTRAST and appreciating the front and back of a coin is what makes being an overinvolved fan more fun than being a casual fan. there are lines and distinctions that shouldn't ever be crossed and i am a fan of a lot of things but EXO i'm particularly in hook line and sinker because seeing everything (well whatever they themselves are willing to show) about these boys on- and off- stage just synergistically makes everything better.


bhaniere April 18 2016, 00:54:31 UTC
The book is called God Has No Grandchildren by Kim Gyeong-uk. If you are remotely interested in the book or the series it’s in, The Library of Korean Literature, I am literally (both literally AND figuratively? Hmm it is unreal how bemused I am by this grammar setup TT ) bursting at the seams to tell you. I am happy to make recommendations if by some impossibility you are interested.

After all the turmoil for that lightstick, I am guarding it like my baby now, like something I stole from El Dorado. Sometimes, I turn it on and just gaze at it and reminisce and smile, all in a very pitiful way. I’m so happy I was finally able to get my hands on it because I really can’t imagine how torn up I’d be if I saw the concert without it. Thank all the deities in the world for coming together and giving me a second chance, even though it was completely my fault the first time.

You know I totally would’ve tried the bathroom thing and then get caught and kicked out and tried to argue my way back in like a bitchface self-entitled New Yorker. But nah, I get you wanting some space. Being able to breathe and actually living is a credible reason to stay back. Won’t be able to see Baek anymore if you’ve fainted, right? If you’ve stood by me for germy peepee hands, how can I revoke your stan card???

My co-workers can go suck something because Sunday night was mind-blowing, orgasmic, euphoric, black-out, white-out, stars in my eyes, emotional, transcendent, beautiful, soft, hard, hot, steamy, wet, sticky, sore, bruised, aching. (I SWEAR my night job is not writing erotica!!!!!!!!!)

Last thing I want to do is generalize, but I suppose people here are more open and proud of who they are and don't worry as much about breaking the status quo…especially since this country is (supposedly) anchored on the communion of diversity. I have no idea how much EXO permeates into your society, but no civilian here knows shit about EXO, so there’s no connation to saying you’re going, whether guy or girl. And the only ones who would know are those you follow Kpop which is such a minority, there's very little effect. There’s no “shame” to be a guy at a concert. To the general population telling someone you’re going to an EXO concert, a concert to hear a Korean band, seems like a worldly thing to do when LMAO this is the last thing from an intellectual exercise (apart from all these pages no one asked me to write). I’m proud of the guys there. I’d love love love to see more! There were some parents following accompanying their child, but I didn’t see any unwilling boyfriends here. I suppose people aren’t really that clingy here and expect to live individual lives.

Yeah, the atmosphere is really magical. The quiet energy and anticipation created something that felt so fragile and sacred. It feels even more tremendous that there are thousands gathered with you.

thank you for loving me. let's hold hands now? ;D

YESSSSS maybe I'm tainted by my rose-color glasses but I really find them such an interesting bunch of kids. Even though SM has constructed many of their public-facing personalities, I still think they've had a surprising amount of leeway with being themselves "off-stage" (not on the performing but cameras are still rolling) compared to their predecessors. And it's so amusing that the majority of them are complete opposites of the stage personas. It makes them so real and so human and so less manufactured. Also a plus is that now that they're established, they'll be able to further shed some of the signature SM-style boyband member tropes and pursue things that appeal to them individually. I hope they'll have more chances to branch out to grow and enrich themselves personally and professionally (wow that sounded soooo HR)


xiuxiux April 18 2016, 08:44:48 UTC
DM me about the book! :D:D i am interested! i've never really read anything korean before. i've looked at art exhibitions and found most of korean art suffocatingly repressed but still quite interesting. so i should read some too.

i'm immuno-compromised so i'll hold your elbow <3


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