Oct 23, 2006 11:59
Hey everyone!
I'm back in Builth/Llandod, for most of the week, will probably being going back on Thursday.
Bookworm is back this evening, so if any of you guys wanna do something let us know asap!
I thought I might come to Llandod tonight if any of you guys are free, will try and call you.
Sorry I haven't posted on here in a while, me and Book have moved into a new place in aber and we don't have the net yet. We live on the sea front now so we have a nice view of the sea and we're alot closer to everything in town, also we can have a lot more people over to stay woohoo!!!
Anyway If you guys could leave me a message on LJ or call me or Bookworm and let us know if you wanna do anything that would be cool, cuz we haven't seen any of you in ages!
I'm at home at the mo so my mobile is out of signal, but Book knows my home number.