So friday was an excellent day.
Me mark and Lauren all went to Jobbie Nooner, and needless to say it was alot of fun. Me and Mark made the decission to go in speedo's. It was actually great cause i liked how my speedo looked on me shockingly enough. and also needless to say we were the only people there wearing speedo's. It felt like i painted my chest for the CMU game again. Like I was an instant Celebrity. you would say look at the speedo guy and there was only 2 people out of thousands you were talking about. But to be fair, like there were an enormous amount of people who thought it was awesome we went in speedo's, and an enormous amount of people who would yell "FAGS!!!". The later were my favorite cause thats just a winning personality if you ask me, to scream it at the top of your lungs in a crowd of strangers, at 2 people that didn't give a shit. me and mark agreed though it was about 50/50. I personally don't see what the big deal is about them. It basically the exact same thing as the bottom to a womens bathing suit. Also speedo's are olympic swimwear. Everyone looved how fucking micheal phelps looks in a speedo and though he is more muscular then me, he looks like a fucking chode (at least in the face). they may be pretty unflatoring that may be true, but i have nothing to be ashamed of (in my oppinion) and i have never been prudish.
anyways it was great, but not really what i expected. but i did say if it was half as good as what i thought it would be, it would be a great time. well it was about half of what i thought it would be. there wasn't really many girls on boats that wanted to show boobs for beads like you here about. i was kinda sad. really its a bunch of girls who want to get beads to make it look like there cool and down with it,with out showing boobs. though i did see like 4 pairs on friday (which is more then i see on a normal day) it was less then one an hour and how i heard about it in the past is its basically a topless party. so again, fun but not what i expected, but i didn't go for the boobs anyways, i went to go have fun drinking on a boat and i did. We have pictures and some of them turned out awesome. I wanted to post them, but i prolly won't because of the whole employers looking at facebook stuff. which i think is gay to begin with.
Ok there were lots of stories i could tell from friday but i typically lately have been writing huge posts, so i will try to keep them short and sweet.
We got our picture taken with Mark Hackel on his jet ski, me and lauren. he laughed i was in a speedo but he rolled with it and was a good guy just like you would expect him to be. I like that guy.
I kissed a random girl. like it was weird how it started. like at first she was a little drunk and was like "OMG! You two are wearing speedo's. Ok i gotta ask you why." and she looked at us like she was judging us kinda harshly and hating on us at first. but then i replied back "Cause if you got it flaunt it, and i got it." and she looked like she was checking me out a little bit and i said again "what i got it" and then she like smiled and said something i forgot and then mark asked if she wanted to take a couple pictures with us and she did, so she took like 2 or 3 pics with mark and mark made his creepy face he does in pictures that he thinks is cool (its not but hey its all good) and then she took a picture with me and kissed my cheek, and then i said hold on i want to tget another picture and so for that picture she apparently kinda licked the side of my face.(i ironically didn't notice till after i saw the picture) and then she kept saying to me "you guys are fun!" and then i made a move and she responded and boom goes the dynamite. unfortunately thats the end of the story, we basically left after that. I told mark looking back on that i should tried to get the digits or something or at least a name. but it was kinda bad ass that i didn't. i've never kissed someone i didn't know before (who actually liked it).
other then that some heavy set guy went up to me and mark and was all like you guys have more balls then anyone here for coming here in a speedo that takes serious balls man. and then guy walked past us as he was saying that and was all like "Fags!!" and the guy was all like "they have bigger balls then you man!!" and that guy said something else either making fun of him or us, i forget, and the guy who was a fan of us takes his super soaker that i didn't even know he had at the time and just shoots him in the face with it. and the guy was pissed, he looked like he wanted to kick his ass, but then realized that the fan of us was clearly bigger then him and left with his tail between his legs. it was awesome. I am going on record right now!! that guy had bigger balls then me or mark and was way cooler. he ended up posing in a picture with us with like 2 girls or something.
there is still alot more i could say but this is getting longer and maybe i'll make a part 2 post later with some more stories.
last thing i am gonna mention. me and mark were basically treated like a peice of meat. women seriously would just grab our ass and then walk away. it was kinda awesome...
oh and i got serious sunburns!! :( like they are blistering so its serious, but i had fun so it was so worth it.