Tentacle theory

May 03, 2007 22:14

What my teacher said to the class:

"You all have eight tentacles. We only allow people with eight tentacles into this graduate program. Some people are born with eight, some people are born with seven or five or maybe just two. We don't let people with less than eight tentacles into our program. We're that demanding.

"However, when you enter this graduate institute, only two of your eight tentacles are moving. Only two of them work. The others are withered, atrophied because you've never used them before.

"Our role, as teachers in this program, is to help you use all eight tentacles. To massage your remaining six, and work them, and make sure they can all move fluidly and in conjunction with each other. To make sure they don't tie themselves in knots (*makes wiggly knot-tying motion with hands*) when you try to use them.

"Believe in yourselves, you all have what it takes. All of you here were born with eight tentacles. Now you must learn to use them."

I don't know whether to be flattered, confused or horny.
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