Sep 10, 2008 00:30
Monday morning I realized that I had no clean jeans to wear for the rest work week so, like a good boy, I gathered up my clothes and and put a load of jeans and a few shirts in the washer.
Only, I forget to put them in the drier before I go to bed late Monday morning. Thankfully, I wake up early enough Monday night to put a pair of jeans and a shirt in the drier so they'll be dry for me to wear to work in an hour and a half.
I put the clothes in the drier, turn it on and do some cleaning.
It's 11:30 and I'm suddenly in a hurry. I'm mostly ready, just need to put on pants and shirt and I'm good to go. I open the drier and I find wet clothes.
Suddenly I can't remember if I had actually turned the drier on or not. Either way, it's too late. I grab the jeans, toss them on the back of a chair and go to my room and put on some shorts and a shirt. I grab the wet jeans and leave.
I get to work and put the wet jeans on the back of a chair hoping they'll be dry in a few hours.
time passes, and they dry a lot, but remain damp. I have a brilliant idea. I move them to right under an air conditioner vent...turn it on full blast and am the vent directly at them.
They seem to be drying a bit faster but not fast enough. thick parts stay damp. pockets stay damp.
I turn jeans inside out.
Anywho, it's about 5 minutes till seven. I expect the maid to come an clean my office any minute I go and put on my jeans.
And they are mostly dry, thank goodness, except for the crotch area, which is still rather damp and now, ice cold.
So I'm sitting here for a half hour with half-frozen balls before they finally start to warm up a bit.
Not exactly my happiest moment.
Anyway, we fast forward.
I get home Tuesday morning, put the rest of my stuff in drier, turn it on. When it finishes, i turn it on some more for good measure. go to bed. Wake up, go to get some clothes.....and they're still wet.
Suddenly I have a flash back to freezing balls and shiver. There is no way i'm doing that I turn drier on in hopes that they're not as wet as they feel, only a bit damp.
I let them go for 30 minutes (all the time I have), check them...still damp. not even a arm damp, but still cold.
then i friggin drier must be broke. so not only am I unhappy, but I'm thinking I'm gonna have to wear damp pants again in the morning...
when it dawns on me..
Wear the jeans you wore last night. they're good and dry now...
so here i am wearing jeans i wore for a few hours yesterday....with a broke drier at home and every other pair of my jeans are wet.