The Sense God Gave Chickens....

Mar 30, 2009 14:04

I'm doing grades today, which means I flit from little unnecessary task to task in a frenzy of procrastination.  I see a stale waffle, and decide I have to give it to the chickens at once.  I go to the back door, to find our little back stoop filled with chickens.  I had let them out this morning to roam the back yard, but when it started to rain, faced with the prospect of returning to the  cozy and spacious coop in the back of the yard or huddling together on the cold, barely non-damp  concrete of the stoop, all ten* decided to crowd together there.  They scattered when I came out, and fortunately followed me when i ran back to the coop and threw the waffle in there.  I decided to lock them in, given the liklihood that they'd all come back out into the rain.

*That's ten of the eleven we currently have.  Number eleven is staying in the coop, gone "broody" -- this is when a hen hunkers down, determined to hatch a clutch of eggs, lack of fertilization be damned.  Well, except for the fact that I collected the eggs she was hording, so now she's trying to hatch...  the empty nest box, apparently.
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