December 3 - 6

Dec 06, 2010 17:37

Sigh, already woefully behind...

Friday, Dec 3:
Meetings at work, so... happy to knit. Happy to see Kay knitting as well. Happy to occasionally say something that makes everyone laugh (my role is clearly to be comic relief). Not as good as usual, since I had a screaming headache. But I did spend a fair amount of time telling everyone about the Happiness Project and trying to force them to give equal time to positive comments. Given the tendency to grouse, it was an uphill battle and I sounded like a complete flake. But a funny flake, so it was okay.
Found a few really nice, unexpected, and inexpensive things for gifts on the way home, which was especially nice since the whole gifts thing is part of my dislike of the season.
And then there was a really good dinner at home. That made me happy, too.

Saturday, Dec 4:
Had good, dynamic discussions with my Saturday students. Happy to dance with Little God at the weekly Saturday morning social hour group. Happy to talk with Kenny, a staff person I drive home on Saturdays, though that happy is always tempered by the awkwardness of his crush on me. Happy to find the perfect bin at Ikea for my new dresser-equivalent. And cinnamon rolls. Cinnamon's always good for a free bit of joy.

Sunday, Dec 5:
Happy feeling when I arrived at church. I'd decided I don't need to choose -- I can be a nomad, wandering between a few churches depending on my mood and schedule. So it was back to Mansfield Methodist today, where it feels like someone bought a church to use as a home, but then kept having church services happen there -- so a fascinating combination of pews, tables adjancent to the pews for coffee/plates, gorgeous stained glass, people wandering to the back for snacks/coffee, piles of decorations and projects, and everyone in the "congregation" freely calling out friendly interruptions and clarifications to whomever is semi-leading the proceedings. Happy feeling to be there, but slightly ambivalent as well. Not sure why.
Happy to knit more, and to finally get the heel on Steve's socks to work. Turning the heel is easy now, but I had that yarn that changes, making stripes, and I was trying to turn the heel at the right point to make the color match when I connected back to the top of the sock. Took three tries to do it. But I really enjoy turning the heel, so turning it three times for this one sock was actually rather a treat.
Very happy to then take Jazz to a movie in the afternoon. Delighted to have found a theater in East Providence with second-run movies for $2.50, so we saw Inception.

Monday, Dec 6:
Hopefully there will be happy at home, but in case I don't have time to write, let's find some from the day thus far:
Happy the oboe guy repaired Wolf oboe while I waited, so I won't have to go back a second time. Happy to listen to PG Wodehouse's "Right Ho, Jeeves" on a podcast (making me illicitly happy that I forgot the oboe and had to go back, greatly extending my listening time while making me even later for work). Happy at work to find points on a student's misgraded exam -- a math error, so a nice, clean, "look, you aren't failing after all!" without the dynamics of someone "winning an argument" against a question. And very happy to finish the clinical grades, so for a change once I get home I don't have to be doing grade sheets for tomorrow's clinical evals.

happiness project

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