Aug 15, 2003 20:16
I swear my parents condradict themselves so much. They always emphasis communication. Like if i tell them i'm going over a friends house and then at that friends house i step out the door for a sec i should call them. But they always fail to communicate w/ me. Come home from work at 11 they arent there. So being the responsible person I am I call them. Both my parents cell phones and my sisters. No answer. Ok..... now i have a dilema. I'm starving so i wanna eat something. If i make food and then my parents bring home food my mom gets annoyed. If i dont make food and then they dont bring something home i'm annoyed. An of course it never works out the right way. In all this ranting i forgot the original purpose of writing this. My parents made steak tonight...AWESOME...but they didnt make me any...SHITTY. Of course i could grill some for myself but its 11, skunks like to chill near the grill and i'm tired. Oh i forgot my parents had a plan that my dad would grill it...but of course hes dead asleep...and snoring. Now if my parents had been nice enough to call me and tell me what was up i'd have wasted some of my hard *ha ha* earned money and got wendys or something...probably by myself since its late which isnt too cool but who cares its wendys