Mar 06, 2007 02:34
Well my grandma is out of the hospital. After I get my hair cut tomorrow I'm going to spend the day with her running errands and such. It will be nice. :-)
I'm really going to feel bad if I start working full time. But we could use the extra money and I really like my job.. which is a first for me in a while.. so I don't mind working full time.
Right now I'm in a crappy situation though. We have these monthly contests and I have to compete with the full time employees and get the same results as them.. so when I'm at work I have to work twice as hard. And the competition for March started last week and so they were already way ahead of me when I got there today since I was in training last week. But I worked my tushy off today and caught up. Now I'm off for 2 days so when I get back I'll be behind again. But oh well.. I did really awesome today. I was proud of myself.
Although one of the girls came up and was like "you know it's really great that you're doing so well with being so new and all.. but some ppl get intimidated when new ppl do better than them and know more than them and some ppl might get upset about it..." ummm.. not much I can do about that.. it's my job. so oh well. hopefully no one gets upset.
It's 2:30 am. I can't sleep. Anxiety. I had such a stressfull day today, even though it was a good day. And tomorrow I'm busy all day and then Wednesday.. dum dum dum. I'm not as nervous right now but I'll be really nervous that morning. My mom and Josh are both going to work late so they can come to my appt with me. I pray pray pray it's good news. Everyone pray, even though you don't really know what I'm talking about. But just pray for me.
We hung out with John and Tara this weekend. That was fun. We went to dinner and went to their house and played games. They always let me take care of the baby. I get to feed her and change her and burp her and this time Tara and I gave her a bath. She is training me to be a mommy. :-p I wish we lived closer to them. They are really sweet.
I'm printing off all these pictures of how I want my hair to look. I got my hair cut a few weeks ago but I HATE it. So I'm going to the hair salon that my aunt Jennifer goes to b/c supposedly her hair stylist is really good. I just cannot seem to find someone that cuts my hair how I like it.
Locked up some things today at work that I was supposed to.. so I have to go in tomorrow first thing in the morning and get them out. lol. Hope they don't laugh at me. :-p
2 year anniversary coming up for me and Josh. I can't believe it's been that long! It seems like yesterday that we were just starting to date. And Josh's dad said something that I hadn't really thought about.. he said once we have a baby all of our attention and focus goes towards it.. instead of each other.. no matter how much you don't want your relationship to change it does b/c it is centered around the baby. Now.. I know it's not completely drastic.. but it's true. All Josh and I do is think about each other.. we spend every moment together or on the phone, etc.. we hate to be apart and everything we do is centered around each other.. and I just hope it doesn't change too much when we have a baby. I know God will take care of us. I just love Josh so much.
Anyway, I'm finally getting tired. Rambling will do that to you.