Aug 31, 2004 10:10
That's right, now I'm 19. Booyah!
Well, Yesterday was pretty good, it started out with my Mom taking me to the Crepery for breakfast... we had to delay doing family stuff with my sisters till today because of the beach trip... anyway, at about 12:30 we got back and Linda and Steve were over at my house, and whatdya know? They had gifts for me, Yay! Linda got me a new Banana chair and a thing of Stationary, along with a bag of Milky Way Midight because they are like the best Candy Bar ever. Steve got me a Nintendo T-Shirt, and some bubble gum cigarretes... we had a good laugh.
Then we found out Tyler was still sleeping, so we went and picked up Mike and then went and got Tyler. He had wrapped a Banana inside a massive box for me... circa Carson last year. Then he gave me a real gift, a couple more Nintendo T's. So the 5 of us took off to the beach cramed into the back of Linda's two door car. Listening to Everclear/ Eve 6/ Aquabats/ Apocalyptica/ Metallica/ Moulin Rouge/ the radio. We sang and had tons of fun. We stopped at this bread place that Tyler's relatives own called Scooters, and they gave us free Apple Cinnamon bread. Oh man, it smelled good, we were going to eat it on the beach.
So we got to Seaside, and whatdya know the first thing we do? That's right, Tyler and I hit up the Dance Dance revolution at the Arcade. Oh yeah. Good times, then Linda beat Steve at B-Ball twice. Then we played F-Zero the Arcade game. Then we went to go get the bread and we got fascinated with "Fascination." I don't know if you know what that is or not, so I'll explain. It's like Bingo except you roll balls into little holes to get spots, so if you roll 5 in a row in a line you Win! It was only a quarter and you are all against each other. So we wasted like 10 bucks doing that, and one bandanas. So we put them on and became pirates the rest of the day... except Steve... he didn't get a bandana. No Steve the Pirate in our group. Then we went to the cool taffy shop and spun the big wheel... no body won. Then we headed down to the beach itself.
It was fun, we played frisby for a bit and put all of our shoes and stuff together and the bread and waht not and went to play in the water. There was this really weird pipe that was buried in the sand that we investigated and it was al old and mossy... ok, that doesn't sound that cool... but we were amused. Then we ran out in the water and then Linda started digging in the sand and we were like "Uh... what's she doing...?" Next thing ya know, she's got a HUGE crab by hte legs she's pullingo utta the sand, and you know, being the manly men we are, we wouldn't get near the thing as she tried to pick it up. It was soo cool. Then Steve found another one, so we had Linda dig that one up too. Then she found these little tiny shell crabs and these baby crawfish... i found a Jellyblob... we weren't sure what it was, but it was like Jello. It had no inards it was perfectly see through. So we decided it wasn't an animal... then we got all grossed out at contemplating what it could be.
Well, we decided to go back and eat our bread... but our stupidity and beaten us to it... and so had the seagulls. Oh man, Tyler was angry. He stared chasing the seagulls around and whatnot. It was amusing, then as we were washing our feet off (and Tyler was in the Bathroom) we decided to hide from him, and the nearest place happened to be this travel brochure place, but they had a Segway! it was cool, the guy rode it around and whatnot, then he gave us balloons. So then we decided to leave after smooshing all 5 of us into a photo booth and getting pictures taken. Mike was amusing to get in there. His face was like in the upper corner of the photo in each one. On the way home we stopped by Dairy Queen to get some Ice Cream, and there were these Lady's who were laughing really loud and annoyingly..... so Tyler joined in. And then we all started doing it, and we heard them say "Listen, they're worse than us!" It was fun. Then we busted out this new Grape Mountain Dew... Decent. On the way home Tyler got fed up with the Moulin Rouge music, and we learned that him and Steve had never seen it. Mike and I were applaed and so Naturally, the next order of business was to go and watch it. Also on the way home we stopped at Scotters again and told them of our sad tale of our Bread, and he gave us some Cinnamon bread. Yay!
So Tyler and Steve ended up loving the movie, it was nothing about what they expected, and they want me to burn them copy's of the soundtrack and whatnot. It was a very memorable Birthday, one of the best I've had.