Music Camp!

Aug 06, 2004 22:43

Well, for the past week I've been a counselor at a Music Camp up at George Fox University with my Buddy Mike..., and man this has ben one of the funnest weeks of my life... I swear, who knew hanging out with 13-14 year olds could be so much fun. I won't do a massive post like I did last time... yet.... I'm thinking about it, but then nobody ever reads the whole thing. So quick run-down of some of the major events:

Everyday we had breakfast at 8:00, lunch at 12:00 and Dinner at 5:30. College dorm food... meh. We played Eine Kliene Nachtmusik, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, and a Mussorsky piece... all ranged of course. There was always free time after lunch. Mike and I became an instant success since we brought a Gamecube, they loved us.

Day 1: Sunday. Major events include my gaining the nickname Counselor K. Met our boys (9 guys total) who are all really cool and very unique, some were loud and rowdy, but in a good way, others extremely smart and clean cut, so to speak. The auditions were... interesting, I've never had to do one before and I felt bad for the kids... they were SO nervous. The girls painted our fingernails that evening... I had neon Green and Red with polka dots. We managed to get our guys in bed by 12:30, quite a feat.

Day 2: Monday. We had some Soul Calibur 2 tournaments on the Cube. They busted out the arts and crafts and girs were making all kinds of bead jewelry. I was hanging out with them and Mike put a sticker on my neck... and well, the kids followed along and got carried away. By the end of the night my head was completly covered in Stickers and they had made massive ear thingies they attached to my shoulders with the stickers... hard to explain, I've got a picture, I'll show ya sometime. Got the guys to thier rooms by 12:30. Mike and I kinda set up that time as a ground rule, but it kinda went out the window after this night.

Day3: Tuesday. I'm kinda mind blanking on this day, I'll have to talk to Mike and remember... We watched Amadeus which is an incredible movie about Mozart. I got to know the kida a little better and stuff which was cool.

Day 4: Wednesday. Mostly a free day, we had from noon on as Free time. I got in a 3 hour long discussion about religion which was fun... which ended up mainly being about Mormonism, but it happens. It started with some general questions about God and whatnot... you know how those conversations go. Then Harry Potter 1 was watched by all while we ust hung out. That night I had to prove to a few of the guys tat Nintendo wasn't just a kiddie system with games for little kids only so I popped in Eternal Darkness (a mature game made by Nintendo about Zombies and what not) and they became completly enthralled with it. All they wanted to do was watch my play it... I didn't really want to cause then I was the only one doing anything, and I felt bad. But that's all they wanted to do, so... alas, we were up till 4:00 playing that game.

Day 5: Thursday. The next day, they gave the couselors the day off of rehearsal... Mike and I got in a good 2 hour powernap. Then we enjoed our silence for a while. I promised some of the kids I'd go to the pool with them, so I did. That was fun, diving board, swinging rope, water polo, the usual stuff. Then some swim team came in all in speedos so we were like, EWW! and left. Then Mike had this amazing idea to take the staircase up to the dorms and make it into a slide using mattresses, which was awesome, so we stacked up a few mattresses from our rooms, and made a slide. We used another mattress to be the sled, good times to be had. That night we played Eternal Darkness some more, and Mike went insane. He was doing the most random stuff cause he chuged a 2 liter of Mountain Dew. We also had some skits and I played the father of the bride in one skit that was "re-inacting" the Givens marriage (the Givens are the people who kinda organized everything about the camp).

Day 6: Concert Day. We finished Eteranl Darkenss, we rehearsed, we had nap time, some guys tried to go out thier windows, so we had to get mad. Ben Stiller stalked us for an hour. Good times.

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