What a day...

Nov 03, 2004 13:09

For some odd reason today seems great. Not sure why, nothing special happened (except proving a bunch of people wrong) but nothing too important.

POLS was quite informational. Prof. Johnson talked about civil rights and...let me look this up because I wrote it down it was so funny..."Carnal Knoweldge"=Fucking. It was just a good lecture today. He is in protest and said he would wear a tie and the same socks until the declare a President, so I guess he doesnt have to anymore.

Math was boring like normal. Kinda new stuff so I took notes like I normally do but nothing out of the ordinary.

History was ok I guess. Tests come back next class.

CSB meeting today, no English class tomorrow so just math and a conferece and I am done for the day. A whole bunch of stuff going on this weekend I guess I will probably end up doing. So yea, till next time...

"Like sands through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives"
I will give one (1) Troy ounce of respect to whoever can identify what TV show that comes from.

randomness (general category), csb, ku

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