Oct 30, 2004 22:59
Today has been pretty dang dull. Apparently its college student Halloween a day early because there are a bunch of people honking and dressed up and stuff. I thought it was just a wierd girl at first when I heard everyone honking and saw a girl walking down the street in an old French maid outfit, but since then I have seen more.
Other than that I have been procrastinating with some of my homework. Watched a lot of TV today and really enjoyed listening to people in the hall vomit several times. Thats always a good sound to hear.
I have been thinking about something today that I am unsure of. Once again, its something I will post very generic because I feel like it and I dont want people to know what I am talking about while still getting my thoughts onto digital paper. This thought I would have never wanted in high school, this action, this [...]. Its not a bad thought, but in my mind its not a good thought either. It should really go away for the best of me but I dont want it to because it makes me feel good. In fact I dreamt about it last night too. I am almost positive that it cannot come true for multiple reason, both reasons that I control and others that I dont. Even though I think it would never work and it would be a bad idea to even try it I want it to come true; I want this thought to become a reality.
I feel like walking around campus in the dark and letting the chill of the air hit my face. Too bad everyone else is out, its not all that dark, and its not very cold out. Maybe some time in November I can do that. I am told that some group or something sets up telescopes in the stadium some nights to check stuff out, I might want to check into that...even if astronomy is not my intended major in the long run.
girl talk,