Smart Republicans?!??!!? What?!?!?

Nov 03, 2004 20:09

I've heard a lot of talk today about the idiocy of the masses, and how if people actually knew what was going on they'd have voted for Kerry. having an intelligent republican roommate I feel privileged to finally have some understanding about how people in there right mind could vote Bush. I agree that a lot of Bush's votes were from people who were scared that Kerry wouldn't protect them against terrorists, but I think similarly a lot of Kerry's votes were from people who were scared that Bush was going to blow up the world. I think the democratic fear is a lot better founded, but then again I'm a democrat who thinks that bush is going to blow up the world. I think it's hard to believe that there are intelligent people with well founded ideas who disagree with us. Something I've come to realize is that republicans aren't all uneducated bumpkins, militant christians, and wealthy corporate whores. I care more about liberty and the environment than security and the economy, so I voted democrat. my roommate's views are shifted to the other side a bit so he voted republican. you don't see me giving all my money to the rainforest or my roommate throwing away his civil liberties and locking himself in a bomb shelter. we are both reasonable people who have to make compromises to get what we think is more important. Bush was right, the world is better off without saddam hussein, the question is was it worth the cost of the war in money, lives, and international relations? I say no, my roommate says yes. most of our disagreements come down to personal value judgments, not radically different ideologies. I don't know how many republicans are like my roommate, he's fairly liberal, but it's nice being able to at least understand the views of the other side, even if I disagree.
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