
Aug 31, 2004 17:01

So I'm meeting new people here at bard, and I know people from back home. I'm not really sure who I'm addressing these entries to.

a few days ago I had a bunch of people in my room. yay being social! some of these pictures are kinda blurry, but I'm getting a better handle on how my camera works.

here is my roommate Kit

my hall is wandered by ghosts!!!

and so is my room

also Kit's mr. potatohead is trying to kill me

that night I finally got my night shot function to work well

a few days later I hid from the heat with these people here: Georgia, Lauren, and Sam.

Sam took the whole thing a little too far...

sam is a doppleganger of Tarkan, if you know who that is...
also... he killed Georgia

here is a picture I took of myself when I was too lazy to walk to the mirror

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