And that's a little new for me, so I'm trying to figure out how to navigate this.
I keep giving myself reminders:
- It's only been a week; of course you are sad.
- It's only been two weeks; of course you have not seen each other much.
- She does still want to see you. Remember when she first broke up with you and then immediately invited you to ALL THE THINGS as if nothing had changed and you had to sit her down to explain why that wasn't okay? So, she probably still wants to see you.
But mostly I am bewildered.
How can someone, in the course of a few weeks, pivot from "I love you" to this? It feels like she woke up one day and realized that actually she didn't really like me as a person at all and would rather not spend time with me. It feels painful. I feel pathetic for feeling this way.
She wants us to be "uncomplicated friends". I asked her what that meant and she said "Like, we can tell each other about people we are dating and be okay." And, like. I get what she was going for. But the more I think about it, the more unfair it seems. You just broke up with me, and you want to be able to share intimate details about your dates with me, and you also don't want me to be upset about it? You want no negative repercussions for your actions. You don't want to hear anything that might make you feel guilty. You liked me when I made you feel good, but you don't want me around if I make you feel sad.
I want to ask her more about this idea this weekend and see if she can clarify. And also to set some boundaries. The fact is... even if she'd been dating other people while we were dating, there's a limit to how much information I want to hear about those dates. And now that we are broken up, I probably want to know even less. So that would be good information for her to have.